there is nothing I do that is good in His sight.
all I ever do is run from His glorious light.
every effort I make fails miserably in my face.
the Lord needs not my help; it's only His grace.

Spring break is practically at a close, and how that nearly depresses me. I'm dreading the return to school, and all the shots it throws at me when I'm there. Somehow I'll get by in the these last 6-7 weeks remaining. His grace will be my survival. I am just so ready for this semester to end, so I can move on to summer classes and know that I'll only be 12 hours away from finishing school forever. I'm ready to step upon that platform and receive my bachelor or arts with pride, honor, and a smile, knowing that I finished well.

My only comfort lately is knowing that faith outlives and outshines doubt and His grace and glory are all I need to know and understand. I'm not promised all things perfect. I'm not promised prosperity, but only His glory. I don't deserve His grace and good, but at the end of the day, I see grace and goodness in all things, and how it has been bestowed on me without end and measure.
"I do not nullify the grace of God, for if justification were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose." - Galatians 2:21