so, the fall semester is so close that i can feel the weight of the textbooks on my shoulders already. it's funny. there is always something so unassuming about the start of a fall semester until the syllabus is laid before my innocent and wide-open eyes. it is that moment that i realize what is actually in store for the next 3 months or so. i'm going to try my best this semester to not let the load that school causes me to carry to get me down. i'm going to take it easy. as easy as duke ellington melody. i will get by. as always, i'll survive. and i won't die from too much homework.

i'm a lover for fall semesters, which i guess goes with my complete, faithful, and unalterable love for autumn. i guess my love for autumn is due to my birthday being in november. there is nothing like beautiful, crunching, falling leaves that blow around my hair like the spirit of God moves around my soul. the season completes me. i have a love affair with the burnish color of leaves, the copper pumpkins aglow on porches, the coziness of flannel shirts on cool mornings, the smell of dew on the dead leaves, and the warm-fuzzies i feel from drinking cups tea and coffee on lazy saturdays. i have this vision of watching a movie on the lawn with my friends on a cold october night with the stars shining overhead, and the warmth of campfire near. that is something i want to do. perhaps i will.

as i mentioned in my previous post, i've been stuck on old things; things that make my heart sing. among those things, the music of duke ellington. his stuff is so fun, so easy-going, and such a remover of worries. apart from the vintage side of things, i have so many things dancing in my head. monday shall be an interesting day.

i have the most certain feeling that french is going to kill me this semester. not only has french been a complete nightmare since i started learning it last fall, but this fall just adds to the trauma of it. it is a 6 credit-hour course--double course! yikes! i cannot understand or believe that i am taking 16 hours this semester and that 6 of those hours are dedicated to a french class. i must be crazy, but when it's all over and i have hopefully passed it, i will never have to take another french class for the rest of my life. that will be a glorious day! but one of the most glorious days of my life will be stepping upon that platform and receiving that exciting piece of paper with my full name and the UM crest in gold. december 2011 come my way!